Notes,reference,assignments of network analysis for engineering almost cover important topics which are given below chapterwise
Chapter 1. Introduction to circuit elements
1. Introduction to circuit elements
Chapter 2. Network Theorems
Chapter 3. Frequency domain analysis
2. Frequency domain analysis
3. Laplace transform solution of Integro-differential equations
4. Waveform Synthesis
5. Gate and sinusoidal functions
6. Initial & Final Value Theorems
7. Network Theorems
Chapter 4. Concept of signal spectra
1. Concept of signal spectra
2. Fourier series co-efficient of a periodic waveform
3. Symmetries and Fourier series
4. Trigonometric & Exponential form of Fourier series
Chapter 5. Network function & Two port networks
1. Network Functions
2. Two Port Networks - Z , Y , h , g , ABCD Parameters
3. Transfer functions
4. Hybrid Parameter
5. Interconnection of two ports networks
</div> <div jsname="WJz9Hc" style="display:none">Catatan, referensi, tugas analisis jaringan untuk rekayasa hampir mencakup topik penting yang diberikan di bawah chapterwise
Bab 1. Pengantar elemen sirkuit
1. Pengantar elemen sirkuit
Bab 2. Teorema Jaringan
Bab 3. Frekuensi analisis domain
2. Frekuensi analisis domain
3. Transformasi Laplace solusi persamaan Integro-diferensial
4. Sintesis Waveform
5. Gate dan fungsi sinusoidal
6. Awal & Akhir Nilai Teorema
7. Jaringan Teorema
Bab 4. Konsep spektrum sinyal
1. Konsep spektrum sinyal
2. seri Fourier co-efisien dari gelombang periodik
3. Simetri dan seri Fourier
4. trigonometri & bentuk eksponensial dari seri Fourier
Bab 5. Jaringan fungsi & Dua jaringan pelabuhan
1. Fungsi Jaringan
2. Dua Pelabuhan Networks - Z, Y, h, g, Parameter ABCD
3. fungsi transfer
4. Parameter Hybrid
5. Interkoneksi dua jaringan port</div> <div class="show-more-end">